ArcticEdge Technologies

what we do

PFAS Free Moisture Barrier for Firefighting

Through innovations in material science, we are providing next generation moisture barrier protection that firefighters deserve.

✓ PFAS Free

✓ maintains functionality

✓ protects without compromise

The Problem

Firefighters deserve gear that protects without compromise. Current materials contain harmful carcinogens, contributing to Canada’s staggering statistic: 94% of work-related deaths are due to cancer.

Our material eliminates these risks while maintaining top-tier functionality, seamlessly integrating into existing manufacturing processes.

Safer gear starts here.

About Us

As graduates from the University of Waterloo, our founding team was passionate about bridging the gap between good science and good business. But, it was our Co-Founder Drew’s mother who brought the problem to our attention.

With his background in nanotechnology and chemical engineering, along with experience contributing to science based startups, Drew focused his attention and began building ArcticEdge Technologies.

Velocity 5K Win

The Summer 2024 Velocity Pitch Competition saw eight finalist teams who showcased their innovative solutions in front of a panel of judges.

CityNews Feature

UW grad student researching alternatives to PFAS in firefighter gear.

CambridgeToday Feature

Retired Cambridge firefighter’s toxic gear inspires son to find a safe alternative.

Deep Tech Scholarship Win

Chemical engineering graduate student Drew Davidson is working to develop novel material to create firefighting gear that will not degrade and cause occupational cancer.

Waterloo Fire Chief Visits

Thank you to Richard Hepditch, Fire Chief of the Waterloo Region, for visiting.

Education News Canada

Reducing cancer risk with new firefighting gear

Solicitor General Visits

The Honorable Michael Kerzner, Ontario’s Solicitor General, visited the Department of Chemical Engineering to show support for a graduate student’s project.

Velocity Feature

Drawing inspiration from his mother’s 32-year career as a firefighter, Drew is developing safer alternatives to PFAS-infused gear, which are known to increase the risk of cancer among firefighters.

Our Team


Drew Davidson, BASc, MEng, PhD

With a background in Nanotechnology and Chemical Engineering, Drew founded ArcticEdge Technologies to apply his expertise to a problem that affected his family.


Kade Truman, BSc, MBET

With a background in Science and Business, and a Masters of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology, Kade is passionate about to solving real problems.

Research Associate

Estatira Amirieh, MEng

With a background in chemical engineering, Estatira is passionate about creating a more sustainable future.

Research Co-op

Lewis Crighton, BASc

As a student of Nanotechnology at the University of Waterloo, Lewis is passionate about applying science to real world problems.


Milad Kamkar

Milad Kamkar is an Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo. His work is focused on structure property relationships of soft materials.

Our Mission

Our mission is to revolutionize protective materials with PFAS-free barriers that eliminate cancer risks, combining safety, performance, and cutting-edge science.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where material science sets new standards for safety, sustainability, and performance across industries, starting with firefighting.

Let`s Talk

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